Sunday Coffee 6

Dive into my weekly work and insights

Hey Friends,

How are you? I hope that you are doing good.

đź“– A Good Lesson: Set standards which is within your control

Sometimes when you start to work on something that you think you would love, you feel very excited in the starting. And then life happens. The excitement starts to fade away after working on the things for few days or few weeks. The cause could be anything like loss of motivation, not progressing at all, distraction etc.

The degree of excitement goes down with time and it is based on what expectation you had set earlier for the project. If the expectation is fully dependent on the external outcome such as something might happening during the journey which is not in control of ourself, you will be doomed eventually. Because almost all of the time, you will not get exactly what you had expected for earlier.

So while setting a goal, we need to keep in the mind that we should set the standard which is within our own control and you should be excited about it initially.

This way you will maintain the excitement in the journey. So set goals/standards which is within your own control and keep looking at it as for tracking of your progess.

🧰 About Talkflowapp,

If you are following my newsletter, you might know that I am working on a side project called the Talkflowapp. It is a saas application which will help the users to write articles using their voice and also allow to save the articles in notion app (using integration). Learn more about it here.

I am gonna make the project’s source code open source once it is completed.

About progress of the project, I am currently done with authentication part along with main articles pages. For authentication, I am using Google and Email. For backend, I am using supabase.

Hoping for the best 🙏 

I hope that you would find this information useful!

Amrish Kushwaha

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