Sunday Coffee 3

Dive Into My Weekly Work And Learnings

Hey Friends,

Last week, I wrote three articles on Medium.

Articles Written:

First one,

In this article, I have explained how to build an AI application by using which you can chat with a CSV file. In order to build this application, I have used LangChain.

Second one,

You can check the performance of any javascript code (comparatively). Take reference from this article if you want to check the performance of JavaScript code (obviously comparatively).

and the third article is about writing.

I hope that these articles might be helpful for you.


In life, it’s all about your perspective.

If you think that life is easy and good, you will find evidence of it. If you think that life is hard and dull, you will also find evidence of that.

So my friends, just focus on good thoughts and good deeds.


Tools of the week: (CMS system)

A CMS (Content Management System) allows easy creation, organization, and publication of digital content. It simplifies website management, enables collaborative workflows, ensures consistency, and empowers non-technical users to update and maintain content efficiently.

KeystoneJS is a flexible and powerful CMS and web application framework built on Node.js and MongoDB.

Use KeystoneJS to quickly build dynamic websites and applications with ease.

I hope that you will find this helpful information!

Amrish Kushwaha

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